Adrienn has been in the fitness industry for over 20 years. As a former professional dancer, discipline, body awareness and a love for all types of movements came for her at a very young age. Being a fitness professional allows her to share that love, knowledge and experience with her clients. She helps them not only feel strong and healthy but enjoy fitness in their everyday life to find the ultimate BALANCE they are seeking between mind, body and soul. Her 2 hip replacement surgeries added a deeper understanding to the mind and body connection.

She focuses on the feel and not the look. The journey and not the destination. The quality and not the quantity.

Her commitment to health and fitness in her own life should serve as an example of what she can help you achieve. Her motto is: Keep moving. Keep living.

Whether you are pregnant, pre-post surgery, complete beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, Adrienn can help you get to that ‘next level’ every step of the way.

In her free time Adrienn is staying active with her 2 kids and her husband.


Strength Training

Corrective Exercise

Basic Exercise Fundamentals

Injury prevention + recovery

Pre-post natal exercise

Core & Flexibility training

BeginnersFit- Training for beginners


NASM-Certified Personal Trainer

ACE- Group Fitness Instructor

NASM-Group Personal Training Specialist

NASM-Integrated Flexibility Training

NASM-WomenFitness Specialist

ACE- Virtual Coaching Specialist